The Newsletter of the Hawkes Bluff Homeowners' Association

Volume 9 Number 5 July; 2000

The next quarterly meeting will be held at 7:30pm on Tuesday July 25th

al the Ivanhoe FireSlation community room - please plan to attend


The last quarterly meeting was held on April 25th and was attended by just a few residents. Low attendance usually indicates that everyone is happy with everything in the neighborhood and we on the board hope this situation continues. Since the quarterly meeting your board has met on a monthly basis to deal with various tasks related to tile smooth running of your association.

Unfortunately there are a couple of items that have caused extra headaches recently. The first of these was the eyesore fence erected without permission around a lot on Huntridge Road. This fence has been removed and stored and the lot owner has been notified. The association has incurred considerable expense and a lien against the lot will be filed if payment is not promptly received from this lot owner.

Another headache has been the incredible mess at the Dykes / Huntridge entrance. The initial road-widening plan to provide a turn lane for the new temple seems to have taken a new twist. As many residents will have been appalled to notice a number of oak trees and the two poincianas have been uprooted. What is less evident is the huge amount of damage to the sprinkler system. The association is actively pursuing this situation as it is not yet clear who is going to pay for the damage; however we do not intend for it to be you, the residents.

At the north (Griffin Road) entrance the long awaited sign is really coming. Permits have been obtained and posted and the sign should be erected shortly.

Residents are encouraged to attend quarterly meetings and the next quarterly meeting will be held at the Ivanhoe Fire Station Community Room on Tuesday July 25th at 7:30 pm where refreshments will be served.

The M&M's!

by John Pickett

Welcome to summer 2000 and the heat index is rising. With the summer rains and heat cornes...you know it...The M&M's ... mosquitoes and mildew!

Please help us out by pressure cleaning those roofs, walls, mailboxes and walkways. In addition, a light coat of mildew retardant can keep that mildew from returning for months.

In addition, many residents do not realize that mosquitoes breed in standing water. Check all your rain gutters for leaves and items that can block the water from draining. French drains in the yard are great, however they can also be a nest for these pesky critters. Look to your yard / garden and make sure those watering cans and other possible containers (Frisbees that your dogs play with, over-watered plant pots, etc.) are dry as these are nests for these pests.

I would also like to thank those residents who have been taking care of their property. We are looking good! For those of you who have been too busy to keep your place neat and clean...find a couple of hours a week to work on it and we won't have to issue you that "Friendly" warning!

Have a safe and fun summer!


Residenls PLEASE take John's words to heart. In this heat not only mildew but plants grow quickly, and constant vigilance is needed just lo keep your yard looking good. Please also remember to trim and prune trees especially any dead branches- hurricane season is already here and nature's pruning is often drastic.)


The past couple of community-wide yard-sales have met with various degrees of success depending on whether you participated and, of course, the weather. Plan ahead now and start sorting your treasures as the next Hawkes Bluff-wide yard-sale is planned for the weekend of

September 16'h and 17'h

Taking part is simple - just display your stuff on sale days - either Saturday or Sunday or both - then start selling. There is no need to notify us that you wish to take part. The sale will be advertised at association expense in local papers. Enjoy!


We like to include people news here but have not heard much of late... however one of the board members will become a grandparent early next year watch this space to find out who!


Please help to keep your neighborhood looking good. We need your help as you pass thru the neighborhood on foot, bike, skates or by car. Please take a look around and tell us what you don't like!! What is that boat doing parked on that driveway? Why are there cars constantly parked over the sidewalks at that one house? Who is cutting the front lawn at that house that is for sale or why isn't it being cut.?

Please make a note of addresses and let the association know of any home that you think needs some attention (feel free to remain anonymous). Also please let us know if the landscaping is not maintained properly. Our enforcement Director John Pickett does a great job of issuing friendly reminders (and harsher ones when needed) but he shouldn't be put in the position of "policing" the neighborhood unaided. In the past week a couple of residents have contacted board members about such problems and this is an enormous help. Please remember that all board members are volunteers and we do need your help - thanks.


The most recent association picnic was held at the end of April - a change from previous time-frames of later in the year which seemed to fall too near the various holidays for many residents to join in. This picnic saw a good attendance including many residents who had not attended previous picnics. The weather co-operated nicely - a warm day with a pleasant breeze and no rain. Last year's idea of getting away from mundane burgers and hot-dogs continued. For this occasion ribs and chicken were provided from association funds as well as soft drinks. Residents attending were asked to contribute a dish and a lovely assortment of food was available. Several children of various ages were there and many of the younger ones enjoyed playing with the water-filled balloons. Other games were available and participation was varied; also the playground was right next to the pavilion. Some folks brought bikes, roller-blades, etc so as to enjoy the park to the full.

Very many thanks go to Carmen and Joe Tronolone of King Arthur Avenue for all their hard work related to the picnic. Carmen helped Mo Christie with the organization and even enticed her neighbors to attend. Carmen and Joe pre-cooked the ribs and helped enormously on the day itself. Joe also took a number of photos and he provided these to us (via e-mail) for this article. Many thanks go to their nephew Ray (pictured here) who happily volunteered his services as our chef for the day.

Thanks also to those who volunteered to help set-up and clean-up particularly John Vernay, Josie Temkin and many others - sorry the names escape me at the time of writing! For those who missed out there will be future picnics to look forward to. No date has been set yet but please watch the newsletter or the web site for details. Now here are a few more photos of some of your neighbors enjoying a delightful picnic afternoon...


At times the lvanhoe Civic Association holds meetings to talk about items of interest to all of the nine Ivanhoe sub-divisions and as we become aware of such items they will be reported here in this newsletter.


Volunteers always welcome

Please contact Mo Christie

434-8287 evenings/weekends

lf you need a copy of the bylaws please read them on the web-site or contac! your board for a copy, which will be provided at a nominal charge of 25¢ per page.


Bulk pick-ups scheduled for...

Monday September 18th

Monday November 20th


The aim of the newsletter is to keep the community informed and it is produced once or twice a quarter. The next newsletter is planned for publication in mid-September. Please submit any articles, advertisements, people news, and any other items, by September 6th. As always all items will be handled on a first-come, space-permitting basis. Thank you.


The board encourages homeowners to put any queries or concerns in writing, to the address below please indicating Construction Approval, Newsletter, etc. as appropriate OR by sending e-mail. Since your board members are volunteers if you do phone please pick a considerate time, identify yourself as a Hawkes Bluff resident, be brief and keep to the point. Thanks.

President Howard Neu 434-4006

Vice President Mo Christie 434-8287

Secretary Jay Stahl 680-8686

Treasurer Jeff Stoller 680-1965

Assistant Secretary Gretchen Farmer 434-8337

Director at Large John Pickett 680-3835

Director at Large Mike Murphy 434-9715

Please send any correspondence (comments, requests for construction approval, etc) via e-mail or to the mail box (located in the Regency Square Pak'n'Ship)


4839 SW 148th Ave PMB 400

Davie, FL 33330

Fax phone number : 680 8650

Remember the NEW E-mail address:


Check out our web site for all sorts of useful info & links

http ://www.hawkesbluff.com