Board Meeting

Date: Tuesday, March 27, 2001

Location: Ivanhoe Community Room


Present: Howard Neu, Mo Christie, Jay Stahl, John Pickett, Chester Gladue


Absent: Jeff Stoller, Gretchen Farmer

Minutes taken by Mo Christie in Gretchen armer's absence

Chester was welcomed aboard as the new Board member to replace Mike Murphy.

Discussion of sending Board members to Tallahassee to a meeting with Secretary of Transportation instigated by Lily Aquilar from Waterford as part of her efforts for a sound wall. Mo willing and able to attend. John and Howard want to attend but have job conflicts. Howard will attend if possible. Motion from John to send two representatives to Tallahassee to meet with DOT regarding I-75 and for Association to cover costs of transportation, lunch, etc. Seconded by Jay. All agreed. Motion pased. Mo and Howard will represent our Board in Tallahassee.

Discussion of Sclafani property on Huntridge Road. Letter from attorney read (attached). Follow-up needed to determine true ownership of property and to collect monies owing before any construction approval can be granted.

Assessments: as of meeting date, there were 30 unpaid assessments (one is a returned check). Further action due April 1st - cost of certified mail plus 34 cent stamp to be added to bill to homeowner - will be third and final letter before legal action begins.

Discussion of Association picnic planned for April 22nd - what meats? Steak and chicken. Howard and Chester offer to help with meat and drink shopping. Steak flippers volunteered. Discussion of game equipment need (ex: volleyball). Everyone on board to bring large coolers and their own recycling bins. Chester volunteers sound system.

Discussion of latest yard sale - successful for participants and no rain for once. Timing of next one - tentative date set for next September - unless big demand for one sooner.

Next newsletter - will contain Chester's phone number, will announce quarterly meeting, other news items as known including update on trip to Tallahassee / DOT situation. John to provide latest update on High School situation.

Compliance - Chester will be taking over from John - John will be taking over landscaping. Home on Hawkes Bluff Avenue (approx. 5701) with continual parking of commercial truck, needs 30 day notice - send generic formal letter.

Newsletter item needed regarding specific homes (we know which ones) are igoring informal violation notices. New regime will be involving Association attorneys (no more Mr. Nice Guy). Tell residents: If you do not react swiftly to informal notice, then expect certified letter followed by letter from attorney.


Howard would like to know results from off-duty police details. Due to the detail we pay for, we are also now getting more regular patrols which is great. Definite positive effect on vandalism. John plans to work with police on getting speed limit lowered to 25 mph.

Water just one a week (regularly) and your lawn will be fine. John will check with Elliot about our sprinkler timers. Perennials to be planted in certer island at tirling entrance. Caladiums and other suggestions made. John to coordinate with Elliot.

Landscape lights - over 2 months and still not right. Do we need to seek action against Miele Bros. Or back charge them or what? John to talk to them.

Newsletter article to folks selling their homes to remind them to contact us (via website) in plenty of time for estoppel letters.

New Homeowners - Mo to draft flyer to introduce Association and neighborhood to new residents, letting them know how to contact us, about website, Association documents, etc. (first draft attached)

Next meeting - Quarterly - April24th - 7:30 pm - Ivanhoe Firestation Community Room

Meeting adjourned at 9:05 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Mo Christie

Vice President


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